If you suffer from skin inflammation, you probably think it's because of an injury or infection. And chances are, it is. But if that doesn't seem to be the case, the problem could lie with your immune cells. A new study is shedding light on the culprit.
Usually when you hurt yourself or suffer from an infection, your immune cells create inflammation as they help you recover. Inflammation in this case is productive. But when inflammation occurs in the absence of one of these triggers, it can be dangerous. Researchers from the Ontario Cancer Institute investigated the source of this type of inflammation.
Senior study author Dr. Rama Khokha explained, “We knew that skin cells called keratinocytes direct the local immune response, yet the signaling networks in the skin that control the immune response were poorly defined. In our study, we investigated whether an enzyme called ADAM17 is involved in crosstalk between the skin and the immune system. ADAM17 sheds proteins from the cell surface and has been implicated in immune cell function and development."
In order to investigate the relationship, the researchers inactivated the ADAM17 gene in adult mice. Doing so allowed the researchers to track the production of inflammatory proteins by keratinocytes. This resulted in inflammation. They also found that ADAM17 controls Notch signaling to the outer layer of skin. This signal helps maintain normal skin and keep inflammation at bay. In the mice suffering from inflammation, reactivation of the Notch pathway helped reduce their skin problems and kept abnormal immune cells from proliferating.
Dr. Khokha explains the significance of these findings, saying, "Our study provides the first demonstration of the physiological requirement of ADAM17 in Notch signaling and demonstrates that loss of this gatekeeper triggers an immune response, even in the absence of injury or infection. A better understanding of the mechanisms that regulate communication between immune and non-immune cells will be of significant value in the treatment of diseases affecting the skin and other barrier tissues."
Of course, the researchers are now looking for drugs to help control the inflammation. But you don't need to wait for the drug. In fact, you don't need any drugs to control inflammation. That's because there's an effective supplement that controls inflammation without any side effects. That supplement is Reduloxin. Reduloxin contains a combination of herbs that have remarkable anti-inflammatory effects.
One of the most powerful is a special form of turmeric called Meriva®. We know that turmeric is one of nature's most effective anti-inflammatory, but it has a problem. Your body doesn't absorb it efficiently. However, Meriva is the most bio-available form of turmeric you can find. That means your body can absorb it better than other forms. Research shows that Meriva is 29 times better absorbed than any other form of turmeric.
All of this means that Reduloxin could control the skin inflammation you're fighting - and it can control inflammation throughout your body. This is important because unneeded inflammation can lead to all sorts of health problems including chronic pain and arthritis.
To your health, naturally,

Janet Zand
Aditya Murthy, Yang Washington Shao, Swami R. Narala, Sam D. Molyneux, Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, Rama Khokha. Notch Activation by the Metalloproteinase ADAM17 Regulates Myeloproliferation and Atopic Barrier Immunity by Suppressing Epithelial Cytokine Synthesis.
Immunity, 2012; 36 (1): 105 DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2012.01.005.