Last week we looked at the dangers cleaning chemicals pose to your lungs - and your skin. As we saw, there's an interesting connection between the lungs and skin, which Traditional Chinese Medicine has always connected. Like the lungs, the skin "breathes" for us and helps filter out toxins from the environment. What's bad for the lungs is bad for the skin. In Chinese Medicine, the skin is an expression of the lungs. Fortunately, the reverse is true in many cases as well. So we can boost our skin's appearance and health by taking care of our lungs. Research recently published in the journal Nutrients provides a practical way we can do just that.
This study looked at the lung function measurements FEV1 and FVC along with dietary data from 2,599 participants. They found that those who consumed the most flavonoids, a type of antioxidant phytonutrient found in fruits and vegetables, had the best lung function. Better FEV1 and FVC scores were also associated with higher proanthocyanidin intake, which are a type of polyphenol found in foods such as cranberries, blueberries, grape seeds, and red wine.
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These results aren't surprising. Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, known to reduce the oxidative stress that can affect lung function. We've talked before about how a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can promote healthy skin as well, particularly due to those anti-inflammatory effects.
Alcohol, however, isn’t always as skin-friendly as fresh produce. Instead, try Advanced Resveratrol Formula. It’s full of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds as well as other antioxidant powerhouses. Of course, it contains resveratrol, which is another powerful anti-inflammatory that’s found in grapes and red wine. This supplement will help your lungs and your skin fight off the oxidative stress that makes it harder for them to do their job. You’ll look and feel like a breath of fresh air.
To your health, naturally,
Janet Zand
Sumino H, Ichikawa S, Abe M, Endo Y, Ishikawa O, Kurabayashi M. Effects of aging, menopause, and hormone replacement therapy on forearm skin elasticity in women. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004;52:945-949.