This natural breakfast protects your skin against UV radiation damage

July 11, 2014
Volume 2    |   Issue 28

You probably know that spending time in the sun causes your body to produce melanin. This is important because melanin is what causes your skin to change color through tanning and burning. It makes your skin more sensitive to UV radiation, which makes it easier to damage and more susceptible to cancer. But a new study suggests your breakfast — depending on what you eat — could help interfere with the production of melanin.

A recent study on omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids turned up an interesting link between these fatty acids and melanin. The researchers looked at the impact of chia seeds on melanin production.

Chia seeds are high in omega-3 linolenic acid and omega-6 linoleic acid, which can help inhibit melanin biosynthesis. But by themselves, linolenic and linoleic acids can't reduce your body's melanin content.

However, researchers found that combining chia seeds with pomegranate fruit extract made the two work more effectively to inhibit melanin.The combination may contribute to down-regulation of gene expression of the melanogenic enzymes.

Of course, the easiest way to reduce melanin production is to limit your sun exposure. But that isn't always completely feasible. This research suggests that a breakfast smoothie that includes chia seeds and pomegranate might be a good backup plan! Plus it gives your body a lot of other benefits, as both of these are great for your overall health. You can find both of these in your grocery store or health food store.

To your health, naturally,


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