Winter can unleash a beating on your skin - here's how to protect it now

December 13, 20143
Volume 1    |   Issue 08

Now that winter is here, you're probably making changes in your routine. You're wearing different clothes, eating different foods, and celebrating different holidays. But did you know you should also change your skincare routine as well?

Winter is drying to your skin because there is cold wind and less moisture in the air. Staying inside is no better. You're exposed to harsh heating systems that really dry out your skin. So while you may think summer is the time you need moisture the most, it's actually winter. Just make sure you're using the right kind of moisturizer.

You want to be careful about the preservatives in your moisturizer. Most will contain at least one. And they can irritate the skin, especially in delicate areas, such as around the eyes. If you notice that your moisturizer is beginning to sting, you may be developing a sensitivity or allergy to the preservative. Winter conditions can make your skin more vulnerable to these types of reactions.

Because this time of year is so drying, you might want to consider trading a cleansing gel or wash for a cream or oil. Try to exfoliate regularly to remove the dry, flaky skin that can dull your complexion. Exfoliate once or twice a week in combination with a weekly healing mask. The key to healthy winter skin is removing dead skin cells and locking moisture into the healthy ones.

Make sure your winter day cream is also meeting your needs. Even though you may spend less time outside, your routine should still contain SPF for protection and antioxidants to repair damage from pollution. Don't leave the house when your skin is damp - the dry air will remove the moisture right away. Apply a good day cream and wait for it to absorb before you go outside.

If you have specific skin issues, such as psoriasis or rosacea, that get worse in the winter, there are some treatments that may help. For psoriasis, consider asking your dermatologist about phototherapy. Lasers and light-emitting diodes can be very helpful. For rosacea, take a look at your diet. Hot drinks, spicy foods, and foods you are sensitive or allergic to - basically any inflammatory foods for you - can trigger rosacea.

If you struggle with dry skin on the rest of your body, try taking baths with oil and switching to a soapless cleanser. If you have acute inflammation or eczema on places other than your face, try a weak cortisone cream to relieve it. This is a temporary solution, but it can help. It's important you resolve systemic inflammation, which I'll discuss in a future issue.

Of course, if you're looking for a new skin care system for the winter, Systéme 41 is a great choice. The cleanser is very gentle and won't irritate delicate winter skin. The healing masque is two in one - it both exfoliates and soothes. And the day and night cream will keep your skin hydrated.

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